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Executare la Piața
cTraderSpread-uri variabile
Minim: 35.30Mediu: 36.09
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Nivel de limitare și de Oprire0
Valoare 1 tick0.00001
Mărime minimă contract0.01 lot
Mărime 1 lot1 SUSHI
Valoare 1 PIP per 1 lot în USD0.00001 USD
Pasul minim pentru creșterea mărimii contractului0.01 lot
Cerințe marja pentru a deschide o poziție de blocare *0
Mod de ExecutareMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Doar dacă Nivelul Marjei> 100%

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Sushi Swap

The SushiSwap contains the name of a popular Japanese dish name and the anime association that accompanies this coin also confirms this. If you go deep into the technical component, this is a fork or an offshoot of the popular De-Fi protocol Uniswap, which was created to exchange coins on the Ether blockchain.

Uniswap developers have made the network code publicly available, allowing everyone to make their fork of this product.

And so a new variation appeared, SushiSwap, with its SUSHI token. It gives the owners the right to vote and the ability to determine the project's future. The most interesting thing is the reward users receive simply for purchasing these tokens. They are entitled to income from the total volume of commissions received from the exchange of currencies in the system. It turns out that each buyer of the token automatically becomes the owner of a proportional share of the overall protocol of the network. Thanks to this approach, as well as the similar code of the already popular Uniswap, SUSHI managed to attract 70% of existing Uni customers to its side. Observers called such a seizure and redistribution of the market a \"vampire attack.\"

Despite the unpleasant start, the SushiSwap ICO in August 2020 was highly successful: in just 12 hours, more than $270 million was raised.

Now, this token is popular in the community, in particular, due to various internal tools. Sushi Swap has a platform for Miso token sales, an application for margin trading Kashi, integration with Polygon and Binance Smart Chain, as well as BentoBox asset storage.